Of all the primaries in Virginia this cycle, perennial candidate John McGuire challenging Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep. Bob Good made the least sense. There just isn’t any conservative Republican reason to replace Good.
Good joined the Freedom Caucus in his first term in Congress and quickly rose to the chairmanship, a testament to how his colleagues view Good’s conservative principles. Good’s legislative scorecards show a highly conservative voting record, one that has well-represented the conservative 5th Congressional District. Good has a 100% Lifetime Score with Heritage Action. He has been named a Gaurdian of Small Business by National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB). He has 100% Score with Family Research Council. Good was a strong voice of opposition to Kevin McCarthy becoming Speaker of the House, and then a prominent figure in McCarthy being removed from Speaker. He is strong on border security, gun rights, and Life. Good is also a reliable ally to Israel, an issue which has certainly increased in importance since last fall.
Surprisingly, that list of bona fide conservative credentials drew a primary opponent. Perennial candidate and brand-new State Senator John McGuire bafflingly chose to primary Good from the center. That never made sense. The 5th is a solid conservative district. With the brief exception of near-Democrat Denver Riggleman, the 5th has a long history of conservative representatives. Good fits the district well. McGuire, more of a Northern Virginia kinda Republican, does not fit the district well.
In the House of Delegates, McGuire was a supporter of the poorly named Equal Rights Amendment. The ERA is built on a false premise; that women are second-class citizens as defined by the law. The 14th Amendment guarantees Due Process and equal protection, so the ERA isn’t needed, and lying to women with the message that they are second-class citizens is not only false but dehumanizing. While some were saying anything to grab votes, McGuire may have agreed that the ERA’s falsehoods didn’t outweigh its potential for votes from ladies. That kind of calculation doesn’t deserve a promotion to Congress.
During his time in the House, McGuire was really known for the amount of time he spent fundraising for another campaign. Virginia law prevents state legislators from fundraising while the General Assembly is in session, but the law does not prohibit state legislators from raising money for federal campaigns. McGuire ran for Congress before, in the 7th. So then in Richmond, in the densely packed Pocahontas Building and in the halls of Mr. Jefferson’s Capitol, while no one else was fundraising, McGuire walking around constantly on a cell phone really stood out.
And please note the 7th is not the 5th. He’s running this time in a different district. Same song, different instrument. Jokes abound about his next run, but McGuire out-did those jokes by announcing another run for Congress before even taking the oath for his first term as State Senator.
McGuire’s time in the House could be characterized as a reliable vote for leadership. Rubber stamps should be rejected in general, and this Congress doesn’t need another reliable vote blindly following leadership. Contrast that with Good, who is the chairman of the Freedom Caucus, a reliable vote for the Constitution and individual liberty, and a thorn in the side of swamp monsters in leadership.
All of this sets a pattern that is easy to follow; McGuire is an opportunist, while Good is a principled conservative. Bigly difference there. And this pattern could create trouble for Virginia’s 5th.
If McGuire wins a congressional seat, then it is more than reasonable to believe that he will instantly launch into a run for US Senate. That would mean that the little ol’ 5th District won’t get the time and representation it needs as McGuire will have to be up in vote-rich Northern Virginia pandering for money and support. McGuire’s courtship to big NoVA money will likely have to shift his voting record even farther to the left; too much big money comes with too many strings attached, too often.
McGuire certainly is a hard campaigner. He’s everywhere campaigning. Pictured here is McGuire congratulating himself for helping a lady on the road. She may or may not be registered to vote in Virginia, but her car is not, as McGuire points out the front license plate. His attempt at a Jimmy Hoffa-like moment is interesting, especially considering she may not be able to vote for McGuire, but it is a fair example of how McGuire spends his time. And before you say, ‘yeah he spends time helping ladies,’ no, no, no. I am pointing out that he was standing by a road waving at cars like those Cash for Gold guys.

If 5th District Republican voters want a populist US Senate candidate in the future and aren’t concerned about having any congressional representation while their rep hits the road, then perennial candidate and blind opportunist John McGuire fits. Or, if Republican voters want responsive representation from a principled conservative with the voting record to prove it, then Rep. Bob Good is the best choice.
The Republican Primary is Tuesday, June 18.