Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

Virginia’s Board of Education put off considering new history policy for the state-wide Standards of Learning test. The policy was drafted by Democrat Ralph Northam’s administration and their plan included dropping James Madison and George Washington as Founding Fathers.

The response to the news of this ridiculous re-writing of history was it was a typo. Madison and Washington were mistakenly left out. There were a few other typos too, so the 9-member board decided to delay their decision on approving the draft or not.

I don’t know if I believe the response that it was typo. Pointing to other typos doesn’t help the case either. Basically, the argument is that the government failed to meet their deadline of having a working draft ready for this meeting. Another example of government failing in education.

Governor Glenn Youngkin made a surprise appearance. He spoke for a few minutes, but didn’t say anything of substance. He had the opportunity to tell the Board that James Madison and George Washington will always be taught in Virginia’s public schools, but instead he said we need “to teach all of our history in Virginia, the good, the bad.” He offered no specifics for either “the good” or “the bad.”

Five of the VA Board of Education members were appointed by Youngkin. They need to step up and make sure Virginia’s history policy has no other errors or typos or whatever they are calling them. Or better yet, vote it down and start over.