Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

“In a government like ours, it is the duty of the Chief Magistrate, in order to
enable himself to do all the good which his station requires, to endeavor, by
all honorable means, to unite in himself the confidence of the whole people.”
–Thomas Jefferson, 1810

Donald Trump was sworn in again as president. He then delivered a speech different from typical inaugural addresses. Usually, an inaugural address paints with broad strokes and offers few details on specific future actions. Trump yesterday painted a very detailed picture and offered many specifics, both in policies and in implementation. It was an impressive victory lap from the man with 312 Electoral Votes and a mandate to lead.

While Jefferson’s quote is about uniting, Trump went another direction. He flexed his mandate and hammered his predecessor, who was seated just a feet away. It was more like a Trump rally speech than a magnanimous inaugural address. But hey, that’s the style that works for Trump, and who would want to unite with a bunch of Marxists who called you a Nazi for eight years anyways?

The best line was “There are only two genders: male and female.” It is crazy that that needs to be said. The fad where men in dresses advance in rank in our military is over. If you believe that transgender exists or that there are umpteen genders, then please seek help.

Trump said he plans for the US to take control of the Panama Canal. Let’s hope not. We don’t need the Panama Canal. Panama needs reform, but the US government is a poor choice for a babysitter. Panama only has the Panama Canal. At one point at least it was a symbol of national pride for Panamanians and it can be again.

Day 1 promises were made in his speech and then kept afterward. After thundering about the Executive Orders and Presidential Pardons, Trump sat down and did exactly what he said he would do. Refreshing to say the least, and he did it in front of the media which is a layer of transparency senile Joe Biden could never have offered. Now we must watch carefully to see if those EOs come through. Let’s not forget that Barack Obama signed an EO on his first day to close our military prison at Guantanamo Bay, which is, thankfully, still open.

Mandates offer the opportunity for change. Donald Trump has a bigly mandate, bigly plans, and already bigly promises kept.