The General Assembly will convene in Richmond to hopefully pass the budget and iron out a few differences in legislation left in conference. Among the items under discussion is how to spend $14 billion of our money.
Republicans want to send $5 billion of it back to us and put $9 billion in investment programs. Democrats claim that $9 billion of unexpected money is not enough and they want to keep all the $14 billion.
It really boils down to Democrats’ unwillingness to work with Republicans and Governor Youngkin. Democrats just don’t want to give Youngkin a win. The consequences of their mindless obstruction is that it harms Virginians.
We are hurting at the gas pump and a break on taxes when we fill-up will be a welcome short-term relief for everyone.
Eliminating the grocery tax, HB 90, will bring long-term relief for everyone, but especially for lower income Virginians. Democrats claim to be the party of the poor, but a grocery tax is one of the most regressive taxes on the books. We support HB 90 and hope it passes today.
A plan we hope doesn’t pass is the one establishing the Virginia Football Stadium Authority, SB 727 and HB 1353. Lines 83-85 read, “It shall be the principal duty of the Authority to ensure the financial viability of the facility and to service the bonds issues by the Authority.” No thank you. Those lines alone make this an easy Nay vote and we are disappointed in each legislator who supports this but especially disappointed in the Republicans who are backing this. The best place to stop the government’s involvement in a new pro stadium is by stopping this stadium authority from getting off the ground.
We don’t want to pay for a pro football stadium for the ‘Skins or the Commanders or the Admirals (the name we were rooting for) or whoever. But if in conference they strike the word “football” and replace it with “basketball” in an effort lure the Sacramento Kings to Virginia Beach, well then that’s a different story all together.