Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

State Senator Joe Morrissey, the only current senator to have served jail time for a sex crime, has now threaten a member of the NAACP leadership. Morrissey admits to the threat.

From Mel Leonor of RTD-

[Lafayette] Jefferson said in an interview that after he expressed opposition to Morrissey’s bill, which would let Petersburg voters approve a casino in their locality through a referendum, Morrissey confronted Jefferson about a 2019 Facebook post in which Jefferson compared the senator’s relationship with his wife to that between Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings, who was enslaved at Monticello.

Morrissey, in an interview, confirmed he made the threat to Jefferson. “He put a posting that referred to my wife being concurrently and continually, and I’m going to spell it because there’s a lot of little ears around, [raped],” Morrissey said. “And I’ll repeat it again. If he ever does anything that threatens my wife or children, that’s exactly what I’ll do.”’


Right before leaving office, Democrat Governor Ralph Northam pardoned Democrat Morrissey for a sex crime that involved a 17 year-old. Morrissey is a creeper and he sounds like his pardon may have embolden him to be more lawless. A lawyer in his professional life, Sen. Morrissey has been disbarred before, so I’ll never understand why Senate Democrats put Morrissey on the Senate Judiciary Committee. But, of course, I can’t understand why Democrat voters wanted a convicted pervert as their state senator.

Here’s the link to RTD’s full story.

UPDATE- Pardoned Sex Criminal Censured By Democrat Commitee