On this day in 1935 canned beer was first sold in the United States in Richmond, Virginia.
This innovation was popular with Virginians and immediately became widespread.
Wired explains the benefits of canning beer-
“Beyond their economy and convenience, cans are actually better for beer than glass bottles. This isn’t the heresy it sounds. Beer’s main enemies are light, oxygen and heat. A can’s complete opacity blocks out the light that can make a beer taste “skunked.”
Beer becomes skunked or ‘light-struck’ when light splits its riboflavin, a type of B vitamin. The ruptured riboflavin can react with isohumulones, chemicals that come from hops and help beer taste bitter.
The resulting molecule is similar in shape and smell to the musk sprayed by skunks.”
That makes a lot of sense as a can of Pabst’s Blue Ribbon is always cold and delicious.
Micro-brews have been very popular in Virginia. Straight from the keg accomplishes all the needs mentioned above. But I don’t really like fancy beer. I consider Heineken as fancy as I’ll go. Canned beer was always enough, which is why the still rather recent Heineken Keg Can is a marvelous innovation.