Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

Government imposed shutdowns led to increases in unemployment. Those same governments then relaxed restrictions and tried to take credit for the obvious result of decreases in unemployment. The recovery has varied from state-to-state, but the states with Republican governors are leading the way.

The Wall Street Journal writes, “By many measures, red states—those that lean Republican—have recovered faster economically than Democratic-leaning blue ones, with workers and employers moving from the coasts to the middle of the country and Florida.”

Remember CalExit? A silly call for California to secede from the USA. Well, it turns out that CalExit is real.

From The Sun-In 2020 alone, nearly 650,000 people left California for other states — about 210,000 more than moved to California from elsewhere in the U.S.” Californians seem to be in-favor of CalExit, as they keep exiting the state each year.

Too much government creates too many costs to live. The Free Market, with as little government intervention as possible, is the best economic model for success. The current recovery from government enforced Covid restrictions is the latest example of the how Free Market economies function best when the government gets out of the way.