Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

A recent poll shows, for the millionth time, that people are losing their confidence in government. This is a natural response to all the bad information government tries to shove at us.

Examples of disinformation from the highest levels of government are abundant. The current White House has tried to redefine “recession,” they said men can get pregnant, and this week they said we “had 0% inflation in July.” Who could believe any of that? So yeah, we don’t trust the government now more than before.

The poll conducted by YouGovAmerica was done before the raid on Mar-a-Lago, so the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) are low, but rated a little higher than they would likely poll today.

Democrats trust government much more than Republicans, the poll showed. It’s interesting that the only agency/department Democrats gave an overall negative score to, and therefore considered untrustworthy, was Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Here’s a graph of the partisan breakdown-

Since Monday’s raid, the DOJ and the FBI have received a lot of legitimate criticism for their unprecedent action. This is after the FBI needlessly targeted parents in Loudoun to intimidate them from voicing just concerns against Loudoun’s reckless School Board. The FBI has turned into a partisan clown show. They deserve the little respect they are receiving right now.

But Supreme Court Justice Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray have released statements illustrating they are deaf to the very legitimate concerns from faithful critics. Instead, they point out the outliers and then hide behind them to avoid addressing the real problems at the DOJ and FBI. In Wray’s statement he says, “Violence and threats against law enforcement, including the FBI, are dangerous and should be deeply concerning to all Americans.” Yes, no shit. We condemn violence against law enforcement. No one of consequence is advocating violence against the FBI. Outliers distort the mean. The mean here is that the FBI and DOJ are hyper-partisan and in need of serious reform. Defunding has been suggested as a possible solution. Merrick and Wray need to answer their legitimate critics.

We’ll end on a positive note- Congratulations to NASA for winning the poll as the most trustworthy government agency/department and please keep up the great work with the incredible images from the James Webb Space Telescope.