Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

Gun-grabbing Delegate Marcus Simon admitted to breaking a gun control law to the House Subcommittee on Public Safety.

Simon was speaking before the subcommittee on one of his proposed bills, when he claimed he borrowed tools from his neighbor to complete work on assembling a handgun, which is against the law. Silly, but unlawful.

Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) makes note of the issue in one of their email blasts. They explain the problem this way-

“Welcome to the world of being a gun owner, Delegate Simon.  All those gun-control laws you’ve supported over the years have made a minefield that can trip up a good person and put them in serious legal jeopardy.”

Yep. When a gun-grabbing delegate, who writes gun-grabbing laws he likes so much, breaks gun-grabbing laws, then you know you have a problem with either too many needless laws or too many clueless politicians, or a bad combination of both.

Del. Simon won’t get arrested during session, but for this, let’s hope he doesn’t get arrested at all.

And if you’re not a subscriber to VCDL’s emails, then I highly recommend you sign up here.