Donald Trump has reached down to a new low. Over the weekend he wrote on his fake Twitter site the following-

No. That’s very wrong. Prayers up for the mindless Trump supporters who want to shred the Constitution simply because Trump said so, or suggested, or whatever he thinks he did when he typed that trash.
First off, he’s talking about Twitter and the Hunter Biden story. Hate to break it to any Trump supporters so pointedly, but confirmation that Twitter did what everyone thought they had done is hardly a “revelation” of consequence. Believe it or not, not every voter is on Twitter, Hunter Biden wasn’t on the ballot, and Trump had plenty of resources to spread his message. If anyone believes Trump couldn’t win because of Twitter, then bless their heart.
The part I’ll never forgive Trump for is when he said, “allows for the termination of all rules.” Oh? Really? Well then, easy question which should be logically anticipated is this; On what legal authority is the “allows for” part of Trump’s statement? Where can I read more about the legal authority needed “for the termination of all rules?” Cite, please. It shouldn’t be hard.
Of course, the responses I’m seeing all lack an explanation on how a vengeful ex-president could implement his plan to end the Constitution. “Allows for” certainly needs more detail. Another way to view the “allows for” line is to say okay, do it. Really, what are you waiting for? Surely if Trump doesn’t take action after believing “allows for,” then what? If anyone actually believes the “allows for” part, then how can they reconcile that Trump is not taking the action believed to be allowed?
So I’m reaching out to any Trump supporters in genuine interest in learning more about the procedure that “allows for” any of this to get rolling. Yes, yes, yes, I’ll be subject to name calling and I don’t care. “Idiot,” “troll,” and “Trump Derangement Syndrome” have already been included in responses to me and will likely continue. But after the name calling, after the insults, after the libel claims, the dust will settle and we are left to still search for the “allows for” details.
Prior to last weekend, “take the guns first, go through the Due Process second” was Trump’s most baffling unconstitutional garbage statement. That has now been replaced by “allows for the termination of all rules.” I can’t wait to nominate someone else for president in 2024. Next!