Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is hiring 87,000 new agents. Sounds awful.

Democrats claim that 87,000 new agents are needed to enforce tax law on America’s 700 billionaires. C’mon. Arming the federal government with this much ammo is more dangerous for middle class Americans then it’ll be for the wealthy.

President Joe Biden was Veep during an IRS scandal that targeted organizations based on their political leanings. The targeted groups were all conservative. It was wrong. After next to zero consequences for corrupt behavior, Biden is loading up the IRS with a new army.

Party registration gives the government a list of who is a Republican and who is a Democrat. That list could be very useful to a corrupt and hyper-aggressive IRS and it’s a weapon I would rather not hand them. We saw how the Obama administration was able to target organizations once armed with the knowledge of the organization’s political leanings, so now imagine that same scandal ridden IRS armed with the knowledge of individual American’s political affiliation.

In Virginia, we do not have party registration, which is the right policy. I’ve always been against party registration. There is nothing conservative about having to register your opinion with the government. If you don’t like the open primaries that come from not having party registration, then advocate for party process and you’ll get the result you desire, but that’s a different discussion.

In principle, conservatives should oppose party registration. And right now, with Biden in the White House, conservatives and moderate Republicans should be especially weary of what the IRS could do. Democrats should be against this too. Sure, they’ll all be safe today, but what happens if Donald Trump is elected in 2024? Do Democrats believe he won’t use 87,000 agents in part of what would likely be a revenge administration?

The addition of 87,000 agents at the IRS is a needless explosion of an already bloated federal government. Under dishonest leadership, it’s an assault to liberty. Let one of our first responses to this terrible scenario be that it kills any future attempts to bring party registration to Virginia.